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MTA NYCT R-71 with RD 340 ex-R14, 18th Avenue, Brooklyn, New York

MTA NYCT R-71 with RD 340 ex-R14, 18th Avenue, Brooklyn, New York

<b>Last On The Roster.</b> Although 898 is one of only 10 SL50 50T Diesel-Electric (GE, 1983) and not young itself, R-71 RD 340 De-Icer Car (NYD 3/84, ex R-14 5944, ACF/WH, 1949) is the oldest car on the roster of the MTA NYCT Subway, and is also the last car on the system to have had exterior door controls. It is seen on Tuesday, December 14, 2021, approaching the 18th Avenue Station on the West End Line in Brooklyn, New York heading towards Coney Island Yard with the Freedom Tower in the background. With the sheer volume of work equipment operated by NYCT Subway, De-icer cares can also be used as “Rider Cars” to space out heavier loads on elevated lines, or simply be rotated to see time in the shop ahead of the winter season. Similar car NYCT Subway R-12 5760 is in the museum collection, since being saved from the scrapper’s almost 5 decades ago.