NYNJ Rail, with NYCT R-32s, Brooklyn, New York
Final Ride. Early on the morning of Wednesday, July 26, 2023, NYNJ Rail picked up 18 cars from the interchange with MTA NYCT Transit South Brooklyn Railroad for scrap. The 2 R-32s and pair of 8 car SMEE Continuously Welded Rail Trains were all about 60 years old and have been replaced with newer equipment. The Unusual for this move, Knoxville Locomotive Works built NYNJ 5101 (KLW SE10B) was paired with KLWX 253 (MK TE-47-4E, ex-MRS 253, S4m, née MRS 208, S2, Alco). This unit is rarely utilized, generally only when one of NYNJ's locomotives is out of service for maintenance.