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MTA NYCT Subway R-17 6609, South Ferry, New York, New York

MTA NYCT Subway R-17 6609, South Ferry, New York, New York

South To South Ferry. On June 20, 2009, the New York Transit Museum/Metropolitan Transportation Authority - MTANYCT Subway operated a pair of A Division/Interboro Rapid Transit (IRT) consists for a Notalgia Special. A four car train of Lo-Vs met up with the group in the Bronx and was used for the outdoor portion of the trip. Also used was the "Train Of Many Colors" (TOMC), so called because of the wide palette used for the paint schemes. The TOMC made its first passenger trip to the new South Ferry Station, which had opened on March 16, 2009. Previously "1" trains had used the South Ferry Loop Station, which only allowed 5 cars to open their doors. This would be the only visit this train would make to this station before October 29, 2012 when the station was extensively damaged by Hurricane Sandy, resulting in the loop station being used again for almost 5 more years before revenue service return on June 27, 2017.

R-12 5760 (ACF)
R-15 6239 (ACF)
R-33 9206 (St. Louis)
R-33 9207 (St. Louis)
R-36 9017 (St. Louis)
R-36 9016 (St. Louis)
R-33S 9306 (St. Louis)
R-17 6609 (St. Louis)