Webb Rail Interior, Dome Coach 549/WEBX 801045
Webb Rail’s former Northern Pacific 549 (WEBX 801045 dome/coach) and former New York Central Babbling Brook (obs/sleeper/lounge) will be holding the markers on Amtrak 48-06 (Lake Shore Limited) leaving Chicago, IL on the night of Sunday, October 6, 2019, arriving Albany, NY on Monday, October 7, 2019. Come out and take our picture!
As part of the restoration and upgrade process of Webb Rail’s former Northern Pacific 549 (dome/coach) the coach seats were removed in one end and replaced with full swivel parlor seating for nine. While on charters, these first class customers will have preference on access to the dome. The murals on the wall have been painstakingly restored to their original condition, and new Pullman carpeting installed. The first opportunity to ride this car will be the Autumn Colors Express - click on the link for details.